Your one-stop-shop for everything home maintenance.
We've all become accustomed to the conveniences our home appliances provide to free up our time from doing tedious chores around the house. Since the invention and now common use of the automatic dishwasher, dishpan hands are a thing of the past.
It’s inevitable that you’re going to need a phone repair service at some point – there is, after all, regular wear and tear, and even the strongest phone case isn’t fool-proof.
What did we ever do before the dishwasher? Dinner is much less daunting with the knowledge that you won’t have to stand over the sink hand scrubbing dishes for an hour after you’re done eating (only to then dry them and then have to put them away).
Think fast...if you're running late for work and had to forget one thing at home, would you rather forget your lunch or your iPhone?
There comes a time in your bathroom sink’s lifetime when it’s reached the point of no return. Whether it’s rusty, cracked, or you simply want an upgrade, the most feasible solution would be to replace it altogether.
There might be several ways to get that shiny new 4K TV or HDTV up on your wall on your own – but if you want to be absolutely sure that the job is done to your satisfaction, you’ll definitely want to call a professional TV mounting company.
Imagine this scenario - you’re busy prepping ingredients for dinner, and to get that water boiling you reach to turn on your stovetop or cooktop, only to discover that it won’t turn on or ignite. As frustrating as this situation can be, it unfortunately happens all too often.
There’s no way around it - a clogged toilet can instantly wreak havoc on your floors, linens, and your general state of mind. Whether it’s overflowing like crazy or it simply won’t budge, a clogged toilet isn’t something you can leave unattended, even for a few hours.
There’s no two ways about it – you can’t shower with water pooling around your ankles forever, and if your bathtub drain is clogged, that’s an even bigger problem. In fact, a clogged bathroom drain is a problem that gets even hairier (sorry for the gross pun) if left unattended to.
We’ll just come right out and say it - your washer or dryer has seen better days. While we’re firm believers in the right to repair, if your precious appliance is pushing 20 years or more, there’s really no way around it: you need a new washer or dryer installed, and you need it now.
Today's kitchens aren't complete without the latest high-tech smart appliances. Our new machines make chores easier through intuitive features like alerting you when you're getting low on milk, when it's time to change the filter, or even summoning a repair service for you.
Installing a TV on your own isn’t always as complex as it seems. That being said, there are many things that can go wrong, leaving your wall in shambles, or perhaps worse, your costly TV shattered on the ground.
Summer’s coming, and with that balmy weather, our refrigerator water dispenser sees more action than ever as we make sure to stay hydrated. Sure, it might not be our refrigerator’s primary function, but we love having cool, filtered water on demand – drinking tepid tap water or running to refill a Brita every few minutes just isn’t our jam.
For most people, hiring a plumber isn’t something that happens quite often. As such, when the time eventually comes around, and you need one on the double, it’s important to find someone with the proper knowledge and credentials.
Nothing can halt your morning routine like a clogged shower, sink, shower, tub, or toilet. Whether you know what caused the offending clog (with long hair often being the culprit) or you’re unsure of the issue, there are plenty of drain clog removers on the market that can help you get rid of the problem, without having to pay a plumber to fix it.
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